Road Map

What’s Next?

A bunch of new features are waiting in line for next versions! Here is the list, roughly sorted by order of priority, small new features may be implemented before big ones.

Nostrils controllers

Currently there is only one centered nose controller, two additional controllers on the side for nostrils could be useful.

Parent Space tool

Chances for implementation: 80%

To easily switch-snap the bone’s ChildOf constraints (generally IK controllers).

GLTF Export

Chances for implementation: 90%

The Gltf format is starting to be a complete competitor to Fbx, allowing the same range of features to export rigged characters. It’s an open source format, a lot better to maintain, code-wise, than Fbx. It will be added soon, depending on the state of its exporter to handle certain specific options (shape key baking, drivers…)

UPDATE: It turns out Gltf support is more complicated than expected.

  • Actually, some issues raised when exporting multiple actions that includes multiple shape keys per action. Currently it seems there is not way to support actions and shape keys together like the Fbx format does. However I haven’t checked yet the latest progress on the GLTF exporter addon (Julien Duroure’s work).

  • Supporting two export format is more maintenance work than a single one, this is why it has to share the same base export code than the Fbx format for practical reasons. Since it’s not yet possible (first point explained above) I prefer not to implement it into Auto-Rig Pro for the moment.

However it’s still possible to do it manually: export it to Fbx first, then import it back in Blender and export to Gltf.


Simple muscle bones such as biceps bones, to simulate muscle bulge when the forearm is rotating.

DAE Export

Chances for implementation: 70%

Similarly to Gltf, Dae is a good alternative to Fbx!

Unified IK-FK

Chances for implementation: 50%

This would allow automatic IK-FK switch and snap, depending on the selected/moved bone. This may be a tricky feature to implement though, this may not be implemented if technical limitations prevent it.